About us

We know Leros… We’ve been here since 2001, and we love it, like many, many others. We love the island, the people, and their authenticity. The Greek financial crisis has hit everyone very hard, but generally, the people of Leros have remained reasonably happy. Many of them want to sell their property and we offer them a multilingual platform in order to satisfy their needs. Therefore, we started a co-operation with key people on Leros, to address this issue. With ONE promise… To do it the RIGHT way, with respect for Leros, the Greek people, and their well-being.

We hope you like the result, and also that you would recommend our website to your friends! 

Our goals

  • To create an interactive and ethical environment for Greeks and foreigners to establish contact for the purchase or sale of their properties and to help buyers in achieving their real estate goals and projects 

Our skills

  • Extended knowledge of the Greek country – the mentality, the way of negotiations, the precautions to take
  • International experience in Europe
  • Numerous languages:  F, NL, UK, DE, IT, GR (ES)
  • High quality designers & photographs
  • Hi tech equipment (GPS, Canon, satellite altimeter)
  • Technical installations (heating systems, energy saving installations, swimming pools)
  • Experts in computer and web design, AutoCAD and others
  • Marketing via website, addresses, mail, Facebook, Twitter

Our contacts

  • House and public buildings contractors
  • Engineers and architects
  • Notaries and lawyers
  • Financial analysts
  • Fiscal and accounting experts
  • Insurance brokers, houses, boats, vehicles
  • Bank relations
  • Owner of hotels, restaurants, travel agencies
  • References : numerous foreign owners of properties in Greece

Our services

Our services to property owners

Always included in our service fee:

  • Research and evaluation of properties ready for sale
  • Description and photographs of the properties
  • Research of international contacts
  • Analysis of the possibility (and proposal) to split a land or project under construction
  • Exact location of the property visualized on a map
  • Property presentation to potential buyers

    Additional services:
  • Plans and designs at moderate price
  • Assistance for administrative formalities for sellers (and buyers)

Our services to property buyers

Always included in our fee:

  • Help you corresponding in your local language with our contacts on the island and, when necessary, assist you in the negotiation of the price of the service provided by:
  • Notaries
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Engineers and builders
  • Designers and architects

Additional services:

  • We lead our buyers through the administrative process and give them the up to date information about:
  • Fiscal process
  • VAT
  • Social security
  • Residence permits

If you would like to visit a property, we can help you save on the following expenses:

  • Your trips from Europe to the Island
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Visits to the contacts of your choice

We do far more than selling properties. We make dreams come true. 

House guarding

You have a property in Leros, but you use it just for holidays? Or want to let your house when you’re not there?

We work in close co-operation with E&M Property Guarding and Maintenance.

Eddy & Muriel Hense

Tel +30 697 466 9148
